“Vishesh Yojana-2022” For Reconnection of Permanently Disconnected Connections – Energy Minister

High Pressure, L.V.-2 and L.V.-4 Category Consumers Will Be Able To Take Advantage
Facilities Allowed For Depositing Arrears

Bhopal, 24 February.Energy Minister Shri Pradyuman Singh Tomar has informed that connections have been severed due to non-payment of electricity dues by a large number of high pressure L.V. 2 non-domestic and L.V. 4 category’s low pressure consumers in the financial year 2020-21 and 2021-22 due to Covid-19. Also, due to non-payment of one-time amount of dues, the concerned operators are not able to get them operational. Therefore, the main objective of the “Vishesh Yojana-2022” (Special Plan-2022) is to restart the connections of various types of permanently disconnected high pressure L.V.-2 and L.V.-4 category consumers and provide relief in the payment of the past dues. This scheme will be applicable for one year from the date of coming into force.

Eligibility for the scheme

All high pressure, permanently disconnected consumers of L.V.-2 and L.V.-4 category who want to be reconnected by depositing the due amount as per the scheme, will be eligible for this scheme. All permanently disconnected consumers who want to be reconnected by depositing arrears as per the scheme and want to change the current load and change the purpose of reconnection, will also be eligible for this scheme.

Provision in the plan

Permanently disconnected high pressure, L.V.-2 and L.V.-4 category consumers whose initial contract period has expired on or before the date of disconnection and wish to reconnect the connection, 25 percent of the total amount payable on the date of permanent disconnection will have to be paid by such consumers before electricity connection. The balance amount will have to be paid with electricity bills every month after combining in maximum 6 equal installments. Consumers will have to enter into a new contract in order to be reconnected. Along with this, supply affording charges will also have to be paid as per the order issued by the regulatory commission. If the consumer’s security money has been adjusted in the outstanding amount, then he will have to deposit the new security deposit as per rules.

If the consumer wants to be reconnected, then to take advantage of the scheme, the consumer will have to give an affidavit on stamp paper that 25 percent of the amount will be paid in one lump sum by the consumer and after reconnection, 6 installments of the remaining amount and monthly bills will be paid within the prescribed time period. If the installments or monthly bills or both are not paid within the stipulated time period, the electricity supply can be disconnected and the consumer will also have to pay surcharge as per rules. If the amount of current bill and installment is not deposited in any month by the due date, it will be the responsibility of the concerned general manager circle in-charge to disconnect the connection of the consumer by giving 15 days notice.

If a consumer wants to take electricity supply in the scheme for low contract demand (which will not be less than the minimum contract demand prescribed for the voltage concerned) or for increased contract demand, then he can be sanctioned reduced or increased contract demand according to the provisions of Electricity Supply Code in the new contract. In this situation, the consumer will have to pay the supply affording charges as per the order issued by the regulatory commission.

For increased contract demand, if there is a need to increase the capacity of transformer or construction of new line, change of conductor etc., then the cost of the same will be borne by the consumer himself. For this the order issued by the regulatory commission will be applicable.

If a disconnected high pressure, L.V.-2 and L.V.-4 category consumer transfers his unit to any other person or company during the plan period, then the above facilities will be available to the new consumer for supplying electricity. Provided that there is consent of the former consumer and an undertaking has been given by the new and former consumers to bear the above liability. They will have to execute the contract for the new combination as per the rules of the company. Consumers will get the benefit of the scheme only once in the plan period.

The Regional Chief Engineer of the Electricity Distribution Company will have the right to decide on the applications received under the scheme. In case of any dispute, a committee constituted in the corporate office of the company, in which the Director / Chief General Manager (Commercial), Chief Financial Officer and Regional Chief Engineer will be included, after investigation will submit it to company’s Managing Director for decision. The decision of the Managing Director will be final and binding.

Whatever proposals will come during the plan period, they will get the benefit of the scheme. All the applications received till the last day of the end of the plan period will be disposed of within 30 days in any case.

Hindustan Samvad

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